January 14, 2020February 23, 2022Updates Revista795 – VI 795 Sentidos Sexta edición de la Revista 795 de la Fundación Teatromuseo donde Rob Cartwright, comediante del My Friend Tito y Victor Quiroga, director […]
August 21, 2018Uncategorized “COMEDIANTE MIGRANTE REPRESENTARÁ REGION DEL MAULE EN FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL” La comedia filosofica Héroe, interpretada por el comediante australiano Robert Cartwright, quien migró a la region del Maule en el año 2017, […]
July 27, 2015July 28, 2022Uncategorized, Updates Snapshot Chile The Chile Experience website asked me 10 questions. Read the answers over here: Snapshot Chile
July 26, 2015July 28, 2022Uncategorized, Updates The Out of Time Performance On Saturday, we celebrated the Day Out of Time, from the Mayan Calender… here are some images photographed by Renata, from the […]