June 14, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Strip Tease at Escuela Fronteras TiTo performing in english and in pantyhose at the 1st Anniversary of Escuela Fronteras in Santiago, Chile. TiTo actuando en ingles y […]
June 12, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Un Techo para el CIRCO Todos estan invitados a … Un Techo para el CIRCO FIESTA JUEVES 17 JUNIO GALPON VICTOR JARA Presentare “Falling in Love” dentro […]
June 9, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Performance at Circo de Mundo [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqm5z7f8ldg]
March 12, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Falling Towards The Sky [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXSG2wYMmQM]
January 3, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Between The Trees The street. The space where we can all play together. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmffoSD5Q3Q]