Over the Easter Weekend El Esuper Estupida Estatua performed at the Fiesta de las Artes in Colbun and Panimavida. El Esuper Estupida Estatua came to life also, playing in the main streets of both towns to draw audience to the event. Horses and carts, trucks and trolleys, cowboys and cowmen were all part of the play en Colbun, and icecreams and easter eggs, and bouquets of autumn leaves made up the fun in Panimavida! Thank you to Paloma Hoyos y Carola Cofre for organizing the event. Thankyou again to Paloma and her theatre company, which included me in their play as a “Tree”. And thanks to all the friends in Rari, Panimavida and Colbun for all the memories! Hasta Pronto!