Busqr Field Testers Required

I am currently testing out the Busqr technology here in South America. Its a simple system to allow the audience to scan and connect online with social media. Here is more information from the Busqr Team:

Field Testers Still Required!

Right now we are in field testing mode and still searching for another 10-15 active buskers world-wide who are interested in testing the service for me, for free. Basically we just need a list of your social media connections, website, mailing list, email and a logo / colour scheme and we will create a mobile website like this one that will link directly to all of your online content, iTunes and merch stores. To top that off we can offer the service FREE of charge until we go live in return with your help for testing and telling us about what successes and learning you have gained from having your QR code displayed while you’re in the street performing!

If you’re interested, reply to info@busqr.net and we’ll get talking.

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