FIAE Festival in Lima, Peru

Monday at 3am we were picked up and shuttled to the Colca Canyon, near Arequipa, Peru. After observing the playful swallows and the majestic condors share the air, we began a whole day trek into the canyon. Tuesday morning at 5am we were on our feet again trekking 3 hours uphill to come out of the canyon. And after a 15 hour overnight bus ride, I found myself Wednesday afternoon in Larco Vive, a program designed to promote art in the public space in Miraflores, a neighbourhood of Lima, Peru. It was a little strange the whole event, having learned that in the week, over 40 foreigners had been deported from Lima, many being buskers. I performed three interventions (as they call them here) and took the opportunity to educate the audience about their right to enjoy themselves in the public space and the buskers right to play and offer their art in the public space. It was encouraging to see the people nod their heads in approval. After the third intervention we squeezed into a taxi, and crossed Lima to National University of Engineering (UNI) where I performed in their amazing theatre! This morning on facebook people from the audience have commented: Spectacular; Beautiful; and Great. The show even included the marriage of Naomi and Javier who kissed beautifully on stage before the giggling audience! Today and tomorrow rest! More shows coming soon in the FIAE festival!

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