
I towed my suitcase down then up then down and then up again, the avenue Pueyreddon until reaching Sarmiento Park in Cordoba. I was looking for Lucho and his three man circus. It was a Wednesday and a public holiday, so we expected the park to be alive and full of people. But when I eventually found Lucho, it was clear that the people were celebrating this holiday in their homes. So I dragged my suitcase down, then up, then down, then up again all the way home, where my friend´s son was celebrating his third birthday. They had a small backyard, just small enough to perform my show. We set everything up, gathered the few children that were there and their parents and began. The lack of space caused fun problems from the get go. I was so close to the audience that I had to whisper when I talked. The slack rope was so short that I could only take one step before reaching the end and had to turn. This in turned meant that when I tried to hula hoop on the slack rope, the hula rope clipped the rope and didn´t spin. I let all these problems accumulate, and when I couldn´t perform the final trick, I threw a tantrum of frustration and fury, one of the compelling feelings I had discovered with Sue Morrison. They loved it. My show until now had ended with the phrase “And now I am 29 years old and I dedicate my life to slack rope walking” but on this occasion, with so many slip ups in the show, I couldn´t claim to be a dedicated slack rope walker, and I changed the line to “And now I am 29 years old and I dedicate my life to being a (pause) idiot”.

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