Family Cultural Gathering

On Saturday, I performed in the first Family Cultural Gathering, an event organised by La Greda Cultural Centre. It was a free event and held in a public park, in which they invited families to participate in different games and activities like “Three legged races”, painting murals, clay sculpting and watching shows. I was one of the invited artists to perform my show, along with the singer from a famous Chilean group Sol y media noche, and my friend and street art activist, El Kote. When asked at the end of the event if “they do stuff like this in Australia?” I felt a little ashamed to remember all the local parks near my house in which I have never performed! Public spaces created for the community to realise cultural events, which I never ventured to use. Being part of this event in that sense was inspiring, being able to participate first hand in a simple yet powerful gathering of the neighbourhood making use of a space that belongs to them.

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