July 27, 2015July 28, 2022Uncategorized, Updates Snapshot Chile The Chile Experience website asked me 10 questions. Read the answers over here: Snapshot Chile
March 14, 2015July 28, 2022Uncategorized, Updates Saturday limerick Curled up in a stairwell. We slept with unease. Our friend had us wait there. Whilst he searched for his keys. Before we could […]
June 19, 2010July 28, 2022Uncategorized, Updates Unicycling on the Slack Rope: DAY ONE Yesterday, I lay in bed, replaying the performance from the night before, in my imagination. Yesterday, the clouds rained, dampening both my […]
June 18, 2010July 28, 2022Uncategorized, Updates Photos by Nick Charlesworth Photos taken by Nick Charlesworth at Circo De Mundo in the Jornada Circense a Luka Variety Show on June 6 2010.
June 14, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Strip Tease at Escuela Fronteras TiTo performing in english and in pantyhose at the 1st Anniversary of Escuela Fronteras in Santiago, Chile. TiTo actuando en ingles y […]
June 12, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Un Techo para el CIRCO Todos estan invitados a … Un Techo para el CIRCO FIESTA JUEVES 17 JUNIO GALPON VICTOR JARA Presentare “Falling in Love” dentro […]
June 9, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Performance at Circo de Mundo [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqm5z7f8ldg]
March 12, 2010July 28, 2022Updates Falling Towards The Sky [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXSG2wYMmQM]