TiTO getting Stuck Up

Yesterday i spent the day with my girlfriend cutting out the new stickers with a ruler, a stanley knife and a cutting board. With all the stickers cut, we hit the streets and began sticking up stickers on our way to the supermarket. Our first stick up was with the lady that sells fried pumpkin dough, which is called Sopaipilla. I am an avid supporter of her sopaipillas and she was proud to have my sticker on her fry cart. In front of her space, the bus shelter became the next host for TiTO stickers, followed by the steps coming out of the subway. Once in the supermarket we took inspiration from the culture jamming movement and found different products that could accomodate TiTO stickers in an amusing and relevant way. Juego de TiTO translates to TiTo´s Game. Gatito we just covered up tito with TiTO. Grande Blanco TiTo means Big White TiTO, quite befitting. Plus in Chile to call someone an Egg is like calling them a dork, again quite befitting. We then hit up Soy Sauce, covering Sauce with TiTO making it Soy TiTO, in english I am TiTO. And as we left the supermarket, we made the most of the Informacion Para Usted sign, which say Information for you … myfriendtito.mymadcat.com!

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