Electric Kettles

He rode a front end loaded tricycle.
It was stacked up with rescued rubbish.
I was dancing on the rope.
Performing for the halted cars.
And he says “Would you like a kettle?”
And I looked down at the box held in his extended arms.
“Ahhhhh he is making a joke” I think to myself.
But he insisted. “Do you want this kettle?”
And I smiled at him, suggesting that I found his joke amusing.
Then I reached the end of my performance.
Passed the hat.
Returned to my backpack.
And he was there.
He had put the kettle next to my loot.
“It doesn´t turn off automatically, but it works”
“Now, can you help me cross the road please!”
And in complete disbeleif of this amazing donation.
I lifted my rope.
Signalled a taxi forward a half metre.
And helped push his tricycle across the road.
And like all angels.
He vanished.
One piece lighter.
Into the light.


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