EMTIJ 2012

In October I will be travelling to Oruro, Bolivia to perform and share experiences in the Encuentro Mundial de Teatro Infantil Juvenil (The World Convergence of Children and Youth Theater) Here is some information about the history of this Convergence :

The World Convergence of Children and Youth Theater (EMTIJ), created under the instance of the Children’s Culture and Art Organization (OCARIN), founded in January 1979, bases its Principles and Objectives upon the Convention of Children and Adolescents Rights which arose that very same year. The United Nations declared this year as the “International Year of the Child “, adhering, spreading and respecting its Article 31-2 which quotes:” The State Parties, United Nations members shall respect and promote the child’s right to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate opportunities, in fair and equal conditions, in cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity. ”

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